Use Case(s)
<add link to use case(s) if there are any>
<name of refset>Values used to record the site of a measurement of a patient's heart rate.
Heart Rate Measurement Body Location Refset
Purpose of Refset
<describe in words what the refset will be used for>This reference set contains values used to result the body location where a heart rate was measured, referencing the LOINC term "Heart rate measurement site", 41904-4.
Examples of what to include
<Provide examples of content that would be included in this refset>Both arterial sites ("radial artery") and surface sites ("left wrist") are included.
Examples of what to exclude
<Provide examples of content that should not be in this refset>Body locations where a heart rate is not measured.
Zero or one OR Zero or more
<Is there no more than one value from the refset that can be selected? or Are there more than one? e.g. ethnicity>
Editorial Guidelines
<Describe any Editorial Guidelines that are needed for this refset
e.g. concept should not indicate presence or absence just describe the phenomena that is being measured>Zero or one
Editorial Guidelines
The value set should be derived from children of 123037004 |Body structure (body structure)| .
Similar SOLOR Refsets (assemblages)
<List similar existing refsets in SOLOR.>Blood Pressure Measurement Site Refset
Associated Value Sets
<Any related value set that is already published. How is this refset the same and how is it different? Whenever a new refset is created look in VSAC and see if one already exists? Proposer of refset does a search and lists value set/refset here that the content developer would review.>VSAC Body Site Value Set OID 2.16.840.1.113883. contains all SNOMED CT anatomic structures, locations, abnormal structures that can be considered to describe an anatomical site.