Use Case(s)
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This refset is used to capture, record and retrieve content related to suicide risk assessment that may be used by the VA Mental Health Program Office (VA MHPO)
Combined comprehensive suicide risk assessment content reference set
Purpose of Refset
This refset is used to capture, record and retrieve content related to suicide risk assessment that may be used by the VA Mental Health Program Office (VA MHPO)
Examples of what to include
Findings and procedures related to suicide prevention and treatment
Examples of what to exclude
Anatomic structures, devices and other content outside the inclusion criteria.
Zero or one OR Zero or more
Zero or more
Editorial Guidelines
<Describe any Editorial Guidelines that are needed for this refset
No formal guidelines at this time
Similar SOLOR Refsets (assemblages)
Psychotherapy procedures refset, Suicide related content reference set, Suicidal risk and self-directed violence - Columbia Reference Set
Associated Value Sets
none identified