Vital Signs IG Connectathon meeting minutes 4/16/2020
Vital Signs IG Connectathon meeting minutes 4/16/2020
Meeting overview
@Corey Smith (Deactivated)
@Matt Menning
@Nathan Clairmont
@Susan Matney (Unlicensed)
@Nathan Davis
Open action items
Meeting minutes
Date | Attendees | Agenda | Notes, decisions and action items |
4/16/2020 | See open items from 4/9 minutes @Matt Menning - Reach out to TechSpring again @Corey Smith (Deactivated) - Deliver SMBP Observation profile , value sets, etc. to Nathan by 4/28 for inclusion in 4/30 build @Susan Matney Deliver updated IG value sets (new values, duplicates, and inactivations) to Nathan by 4/28 for inclusion in 4/30 Connectathon build @Corey Smith (Deactivated) Let Lisa N. know that terminology submissions go through USCRS and not HL7 HTA. @Corey Smith (Deactivated) Pick a date to submit Vital Signs IG code system to SNOMED via USCRS? What is the deadline for the submission to the US Edition of SNOMED? | ||
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