Use Case(s)
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Skin color reference set
Provide a global set of values (drawn from findings, qualifier value, and observable entity hierarchies) that can be drawn from for recording and retrieving skin color in the course of examining a patient.
Example of included content
Red pinna (finding) | 300115000
Examples of excluded content (counterexamples)
Tattooing to correct color defects of skin (procedure) | 21357004
Zero or one OR Zero or more
Only one value of this refset can be selected.
Editorial Guidelines
<Describe any Editorial Guidelines that are needed for this refset
e.g. concept should not indicate presence or absence just describe the phenomena that is being measured>
Similar Refsets
<List similar existing refsets and either explain why they are different or consider consolidation and/or VSAC value sets>
Associated Clinical Quality Measures
<Identify if this refset will be associated with any clinical quality measures>
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