Agenda Item | Minutes |
Situation Emergency Department (ED) Staging is a crucial aspect of determining and sharing operational and potential surge status for pandemic preparedness and could be better supported with a shareable electronic resource (an app) that could provide high level, visually rich information about the current stage of a given ED and steps that could be taken to recover. Background During the COVID-19 crisis, a lot of experience has been gained regarding the key factors needed to track and monitor how individual emergency departments are coping with varying degrees of strain on their systems. Much of the information that might support the process of staging an ED is already tracked but may live in disparate data sources and may not be standardized across systems. Assessment The current COVID-19 crisis has drawn significant attention to the strain EDs have been under in responding to the needs of patient care during a pandemic. Work done by the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) has charted a path to provide better support for understanding the capacity of any given ED and help communicate that out broadly while also providing key insights into steps toward recovery. However, the data that would facilitate staging is not readily available in a format that would be useful to the staging process, no clear owners or managers of that data exist and no clear path to collecting, aggregating, storing and communicating this data yet exists. A tool (e.g., an application) that provides a standardized approach to identifying, collecting and reporting data on the relative stage of an emergency department under crisis conditions is needed. Challenges:
Recommendation The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) has invested some effort into conceptualizing the staging process, measures which might inform it, operational methods for upstaging and/or downstaging an ED and approaches to assisting with recovery. In addition, some quality measures and other required reporting metrics are key elements of the staging process. Open APIs and other nascent tools may make it more plausible to combine disparate data streams to help prepopulate some of the metrics needed to determine a stage for a given ED. Individual ED’s, health systems, local state and federal government entities including public health departments, health information exchanges and pandemic preparedness organizations would find this information useful. If further developed to include a set of ‘recovery’ resources, EDs would find the staging process and mitigation steps invaluable.
Resources: Data sources:
| GoToMeeting recording and Transcript Pandemic instead of disaster preparedness |
Notes 10/5/2020 Attendees: Robert Lario, Dhruv, Laura, Nathan Notes:
Next Meeting:
Monday, Oct 5, 2020 4pm-5pm COVID-19 Mobile App Project - ED Staging