Oct 29, 2020 Clinical Advisory Committee Minutes

Oct 29, 2020 Clinical Advisory Committee Minutes















Agenda and Minutes

Document any tasks here, Document any decisions on group page

Agenda Item



Agenda Item



  • Reconnect, Agenda, and Objectives

  • CAC Membership Info / Overview

  • HIMSS:IHE Collaboration Thoughts

  • Open Discussion - Ideation, WHY CAC, Where Focus

  • Objectives and Intended Outcomes for the Group (and milestones/timelines)

  • Closing and Next Steps




Shane & Cary


Shane, John, Lee, Tracie, Cary, Jim M, Ken R

Lee Wise - transition of care background; personal connectivity to doc flow challenges; health info background; focus on interoperability;

Shane - impacting the quality of healthcare, this is an “art project”, moving the needle on healthcare quality across the board;

HIMSS:IHE Collaboration - collaboration lanes and candidate efforts; working through the key outcomes and next steps; bi-weekly executive touchpoints; workforce development, educational events, IHE connectathon, collaboration with IHE ITI, collaboration with HIMSS analytics

CAC Why/Ideation:

  • If BPM+ Community, three years, successful in shifting healthcare quality…US and international…part is due to this CAC, the efforts over time…what things did we accomplish, the efforts, the milestones - all that helped lead to this future?

  • Register your models (shared registry, open sourced); helps develop the metric; something in sand to measure against; many used models, discussed models, have not been used….some have not been used nor studied; more than passive library, it is engaging and a living platform;

  • Create a low-barrier on-ramp; not complex or difficult, the easiest path to “get on the train”; the clinical community (represented with CAC) is critical to success, this group creates the space for this to be ok, creates the demand;

  • effect quality measures broadly; need to cleanly and clearly communicate with people, understand what is being done and believing it is possible; issue is buy-in by physicians; understand which level to start…the governance? ground level? which way, or both?

  • Deal with the challenge of working with / influencing doctors; barrier is quality approach; how does this community/CAC get past that? Talk, educate, requirements management, get right players in the conversation; Change Management challenges;

    • What does success look like….? BPM+ Diagrams to vector change at the grass roots level; BPM+ is the core semantic for descriptions of health care processes (best practices)

    • Specialty societies bought into the standard as core semantic, and language of choice; spread goodness to help lighten the constraints identified; helps leverage into the medical schools (workforce developments)

    • how may CAC best serve workforce development….put out sound guidance that is relevant and useable for users and providers

  • Shane and Cary to review and reframe/present themes at 11/12 meeting