2020-12-10 Clinical Advisory Committee Minutes

2020-12-10 Clinical Advisory Committee Minutes














Shane, Tracie, John, Cary, Jim, Dhruv, Ken

Agenda and Minutes

Document any tasks here, Document any decisions on group page

Agenda Item



Agenda Item



  1. Quickly review & ratify charter


  • Effect measures of quality: effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction and access; (Drive multi-dimensional quality change using process automation; not just focused on one, but more across the board)

  • Ensure advocacy for use of BPM+ across other standard-setting orgs;

  • Present healthcare domain guidance, the guardrails;

  • Meet the needs of clinical providers globally – Influencing doctors, academics, vector change at grass roots level;

  • Advocate for Knowledge Ecosystem - Provide a foundation for sharing of knowledge as a first-order asset; advocate for high-quality, clinically validated processes and decision models

2. 2021 goal setting activity



  • Product

    • Make this all real, across the community; from paper to pilot; achieve at least one pilot by end of 2021;

  • Implementation

    • Needs assessment of clinicians and patients;

      • public

      • specialty societies

      • potentially other groups

    • FDA Discussion; (working with PEAWIG); presentation in 2021; (what is achievable within 2021?)

  • Outreach

    • Awareness campaign - an organized, intentional planned effort (eg presentations at conferences);

    • Membership (BPM Community, CAC, specialty societies); increase in number of members in BPM Community; 13 CAC members by end of 2021; specialty societies


3. CAC Covid Related Challenge