Situational Data and EHR Integration

Situational Data and EHR Integration

The integration with “data sources” is a problem with a technical component, which involves APIs, schemas, velocity of data, etc.

At the same time, the EHR integration poses a scope challenge.
An EHR contains data for a population of patients. Patients can be grouped in cohorts. Patients are individuals. A Case can be defined for a given individual, with respect to e.g. a medical condition. Within a case, specific decisions can be made.

At each level, the breadth of the relevant data is reduced. Instead, more depth is required, to focus on all and only the information that is pertinent to that scope.
In the process, the data is filtered, mapped, and “projected” into shapes/schemas that highlight the relevant information.

This ‘Situational Data’ is a logical view on the original source