2020-06-18 Meeting Notes

2020-06-18 Meeting Notes


@Andrew Sills

@Andrew Sills

@Penni Hernandez

@Robert Lario

@Linda Wedemeyer

@Keith Campbell

@Yvonne Diabene









o   Reviewed meaning points from the developed BPMN artifacts and made some changes to the document


o   Tim Williams and Raja Cholan helped to come up with a generic ANF template in tabular form that they could use; it’s a little large

o  Kept a back-up in MS Word

o   The big players here are:

  • Topic

  • Narrative of what they're trying to create the topic of the ANF on

o   Hopefully Raja will have some implementation resource in FHIR that can be added in tomorrow by Raja


o   Did some extensive re-do based on conversations with Robert and she put annotations in relevant places

o   Start out at the patient's arrival

  • Removed different arrival gateways from workflow to start at an all-inclusive arrival point where one performs assessment on patient

  • First you perform a severity of illness observation and that goes into the decision where you assess the severity of illness

  • Probability want to create a DMN at this point that outlines a criteria for triage

o   Question for Kathy

  • Is sanitizer for all patients or only patients with a positive COVID-screen?

  • What does the second COVID-19 screening entail?

Business Processes (Data Elements)


o   Workflow shows great attention to details; seems very sequential and linear

o   Is this a candidate to show representation of CMMN?


o   One of the challenges of BPMN is that you have to articulate the sequence of things. CMN gives the ability to say this is group of 4 or 5 activities that need to happen before you can do anything else (but not necessarily sequential)

o   We would have to talk with Kathy to understand the actual sequence of things leading up to when the patient gets screened

o   If it's not sequential, we would drop the case model there and use CMN to show the tasks that don't require a sequence


o   Can we work up a useful case management notation?


o   Yes, but to be successful, we would need to dive into certain tasks, for example screening and triage, so he can represent it as a case of activities that are going on


o   We want all the data elements that are on the CDC Covid-19 form for that screening phase; those will be used into the deep dive

o   The goal for the team would be to fill out that case report form;

Business Processes (CMMN)


o   Do we have a hard copy of the CDC questionnaire?

Keith: Can add it to Confluence

Linda: Will do a search on the CDC site to make sure that we have the most up to date form for "Person Under Investigation"

o   https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/downloads/pui-form.pdf

o   https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/reporting-pui.html


o   Start with Case Demographics and then Exposure Information so that ideally, we have enough information to fill out the case form


o   Thinks we should do something that would be useful rather than using CMMN for the sake of it. Robert has explained to her that you're not stuck in the workflow in BPMN; there's always an out, and so the question is whether it's worth modeling or not


o   It depends on the scope of the workflow being developed. These are manual tasks so that means that it's happening outside of the system and being done by people. At that point, a person can use their discretion as to whether to step out of that task. This is not being driven to the point of execution, so he believes that user has the option to jump out of the sequence. This workflow is meant to be informative most of all. 


o   It's worth going through the Case Model Notation here, since this is a question that will come up when people start to use/implement this. How will CMN help us be less sequential? Doing it for a specific example like this has value to show expectations and capabilities.


o   Yes, fine with that


o   This will be our focus on Monday. He will also try to fill out ANF for a few of these based on some of the work that Penni has already done

o   He will have a conversation with Kathy tomorrow for a status update.

o   Link to the FHIR service request: http://build.fhir.org/servicerequest.html


o   Will spend time thinking about the notion of the service request. His first response was surprised because he didn't think this was the resource we would lean into


o   Please send some other options; none of this is set in stone


o   Will welcome a conversation about this later