2019-05-15 Platform Architecture Meeting notes

2019-05-15 Platform Architecture Meeting notes


15 May 2019


  • @Sharnita Riley

  • @Ken Rubin @Lorraine Constable @Scott Narus @Bo Dagnall @Preston Lee


  • Touchpoint some of the activities

Discussion topics







identified, the short list of four or five activities that were happening.

Where do we want to use on the confluence site to just start to store all this stuff?

Do we have a good landing spot for the platform architecture?

If that was originally created by the team, rename that it's a platform architecture



· Did we decided to parallel track or assign specific owners? Yes

· Identified artifact surgery artifacts that are going on the enumerated list of capabilities, we can draw from the previous the architecture stuff, the scope, purpose and product of the platform, which was though map is functional capability, which has a hard dependency on number two.




Products of architecture -

· What was the intended purpose of this compliment to the scope?

· What artifacts are we going to have in the core platform? spec?

· What are we producing? Ex: white papers, diagrams?

· What exactly is the product that we're releasing? And other lines are there kind of the response to that?

· We can create a new document

· IPOs - write a couple pages into that document.

· The difference is a different deliverable than artifact?

· One, we had that tag is a different thing, or just doing the same thing.

· Take kind of paper and come back with the draft

· Moving things forward and give deadlines

· Discussed at HSPC - Do we want to have a short day of architect summit face to face sometime between now and Pittsburgh meeting?


Doodle poll *WEEKS*

· In terms of whether it's possible or not.

· What location makes the most sense?

· Input in comments

· Alpha by October 2019

· Do we want to do a peer review before they the meeting?

· Are we planning circulated before the meeting could come in three is the meeting as the launch?

· September 30, is the alpha draft release candidate.

· October 1 to publish to HSPC.


The Alpha document

· Couple of weeks for comment and remediation.

· Gives people a week before the meeting to digest

· Mid July is the halfway point

· Have at least a page or two of directional material that outlines the core deliverables

· The material for the web presence when that launches

· Project plan and public sketch by Mid July,

· Pre alpha work on each artifact.

· Clarity around direction and approach detailing complete

· Summit July gives 6 -8weeks

· Administrative calls and then work happens independently

· Decide if we're going to pivot to working calls.

Action items

HSPC Platform Architecture Activities:
Nominal Timeline:
30 May: Project Plan and Public Project Sketch (scope, etc.)
15 July: Pre-Alpha Work on each artifact; Clarity around direction and approach, but detail incomplete.
Face-to-Face: Late July (ish)?
September 13: Alpha Draft Release Candidate
1 October: Publish to HSPC the Alpha Document
Workstream 1:
- Artifact 1: Scope and purpose , and product of HSPC platform (inform interrelationship among projects and products) – (See intro material above) [ Bo ]
- Artifact 1: Elaborate this into a short document: The products of the architecture?
- Blueprint for ……
- Enabler for the creation of a certification platform
- Reference API specification
- Visual depiction of the components and the interrelationships of those components – Platform
5/15: Bo is working on an initial-cut draft document
Workstream 2:
- Artifact 2: Enumerated list of capabilities (relate to what is out there in the sandbox, or what is likely to be in short-window. Roadmap?) . Hierarchial [Ken]
Activities to undertake:
Workstream 3:
- Artifact 3: Map between business function (concerns) and capabilities. Crosswalk. (Key use cases enabled?). Systems/services? [ Lorraine ]
