Current pulse oximetry measurement (SPO2)? - in progress
Current pulse oximetry measurement (SPO2)? - in progress
Questionnaire Snippet for Pulse oximetry measurement
<Questionnaire xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
<linkId value=”4684c7d5-1308-472f-bce5-f892e3ebe837”/>
<system value=”http://snomed.org”/>
<code value=”252465000”/>
<display value="Pulse oximetry"/>
<text>Pulse oximetry</text>
<type value=”integer”/>
Questionnaire Response for Pulse oximetry measurement
<QuestionnaireResponse xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
<text> Does patient have a history of Diabetes?</text>
<valueInteger value="88"/>
Questionnaire Response for Pulse oximetry measurement Transformed to FHIR Observation based on ANF
The “88%” answer to the Questionnaire for Pulse oximetry measurement is transformed in the FHIR Observation as a Range of 88 based on the ANF specification.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Observation xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
<status value="final"/>
<system value="http://snomed.org"/>
<code value="252465000"/>
<display value="Pulse oximetry"/>
<reference value="Patient"/>
<reference value=”Patient”/>
<effectiveDateTime value="2020-07-06T22:33:22Z"/>
<reference value=”Practitioner”/>
<comparator value=”=”/>
<system value=”http://snomed.org”/>
<code value=”118582008”/>
<display value="Percent (property)"/>
<comparator value=”=”/>
<system value=”http://snomed.org”/>
<code value=”118582008”/>
<display value="Percent (property)"/>
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