Under what process was the case first identified?

Under what process was the case first identified?

Questionnaire Snippet for Case identification

In this example snippet of xml from the Questionnaire we embed a value set definition within the Questionnaire using codes from SNOMED CT.

<Questionnaire xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> <contained> <ValueSet> <id value="Case_Identification"/> <name value="Logica SNOMED CT Case_Identification"/> <status value="active"/> <compose> <include> <system value="http://snomed.org"/> <concept> <code value="386053000"/> <display value="Evaluation procedure"/> </concept> <concept> <code value="225368008"/> <display value="Contact tracing"/> </concept> <concept> <code value="225419007"/> <display value="Surveillance"/> </concept> <concept> <code value="261665006"/> <display value="Unknown"/> </concept> </include> </compose> </ValueSet> </contained> ……. <item>    <linkId value=”0edf2c0a-c30e-11ea-87d0-0242ac130003”/>         <code>            <system value=”http://snomed.org”/>            <code value=”?????????”/>            <display value="Case identification"/> </code>         <text>How was the case first identified?</text>                <type value=”choice”/>         <answerValueSet value=”#Case_Identification” /> </item> …….. </Questionnaire>


Questionnaire Response for Case identification


<QuestionnaireResponse xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> ……. <item>     <linkId>0edf2c0a-c30e-11ea-87d0-0242ac130003</linkId>     <text>How was the case first identified?</text>     <answer>        <valueCoding>           <system value=”http://snomed.org”/>           <code value=”386053000”/>           <display value=”By Clinician”/>        </valueCoding>    </answer> </item> …….. </QuestionnaireResponse>

Questionnaire Response for Case identification Transformed to FHIR Observation based on ANF

 They “Yes” answer to the Questionnaire for Case identification is transformed in the FHIR Observation as a Range of > 0 and <= INF based on the ANF specification.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Observation xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> <identifier>e317c914-c30e-11ea-87d0-0242ac130003</identifier> <status value="final"/> <code> <coding> <system value="http://snomed.org"/> <code value="386053000"/> <display value="Case first identified by clinical evaluation"/> </coding> </code> <subject> <reference value="Patient"/>   </subject> <focus>     <reference value=”Patient”/> </focus>   <effectiveDateTime value="Time of observation"/>   <performer>      <reference value=”Practitioner”/>   </performer> <valueRange>       <Range>          <low>              <value>0</value>              <comparator value=”>”/>              <code> <system value=”http://snomed.org”/>                 <code value=”118595003”/>                 <display value="Quantity content"/> </code> </low>           <high> <value>INF</value> <comparator value=”<=”/> <code> <system value=”http://snomed.org”/>               <code value=”118595003”/>               <display value="Quantity content"/> </code> </high>         </Range> </valueRange> </Observation>


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