Care Team Alerts

Care Team Alerts

Provision of Clinical Alerts to Non-Physician Care Providers and Supervisors

Scenario Details:  Bobby is a young man admitted to the intensive care unit for septic shock.  He is ventilated, on intravenous medication for hypotension and sepsis, and is being monitored aggressively by the ICU team.  Around noon, Bobby’s morning labs are resulted and his platelet count is determined to be 40, a critical value.

The platelet result triggers several knowledge modules; one ensures that the care team is notified as appropriate. Initially, the module sends a page to the ordering provider and a notification alert to both the bedside terminal and the system account of Bobby’s nurse, Sue. 

Unfortunately, Sue is in radiology with another patient. Had Sue needed to access the system, she would have been notified of Bobby’s alert, but she had no opportunity or reason to do so. The alert causes the bedside terminal to start flashing red, indicating the patient had an critical alert requiring attention, but Sue’s cross-cover was busy and the color-coded screen saver went unnoticed.

After 10 minutes, the lack of alert acknowledgement triggers an escalation. This time the unit attending is paged and the central nursing station computer also begins flashing red. The charge nurse instantly see the alert from across the station, logs in to identify the patient needing attention, and goes to the bedside where she acknowledges the alert and begins her assessment.

The charge nurse’s acknowledgement “silences” the alert for all who received a notification, hiding it from the view of all recipients EXCEPT those intended to receive it originally. In those accounts, the alert is acknowledged, but remains in view, optionally grouped/sorted by patient or priority. 

The attending physician never receives the page as intended. He sees an alert notification in his task bar several hours later, just about the same time he gets a phone call from the hospital risk manager informing him of the critical alert he failed to respond to. He reviews the alert logic and his hospital contact information and makes a quick update to his pager number that was inaccurate.

Upon returning from radiology and before getting report from the cross-cover, Sue sees the acknowledged alert in her task/alert listing and reads the associated assessment note. She is relieved that Bobby was promptly assessed and makes note of the fact that, as per protocol, the platelet count was being reviewed for clumping by pathology.

Bobby is later discharged and the system automatically clears his alerts, except for one that has explicit provisions for transferring workflow to the outpatient setting. In this case, the system recommended a follow-up platelet count two weeks after discharge. This recommendation message is transferred directly to the outpatient provider.

Actors: Ordering provider, attending provider, bedside terminal (scheduled/cross-over nurse), scheduled nurse, unit attending, central nursing station terminal (charge nurse), Patient (Bobby)



Requirement #



The System shall expose staff demographic data elements for use in creating knowledge modules.


The System shall allow acknowledgement of notification messages and shall be capable of classifying the alert.


The System shall allow suspending or turning off notification messages only by those with appropriate authorization and shall ensure all inpatient notifications are automatically cleared when an inpatient is discharged, transferred out or dies.


The System provides a taskbar icon that is color coded to convey the presence of unacknowledged messages.


The System provides a screen saver that is color coded to convey the presence of unacknowledged messages for the currently logged in user.


The System ensures that if a workstation has been identified as a message recipient, the screen saver displays unacknowledged messages for the machine, and not any concurrently authenticated user.


The System will request username / password from a login screen when configured as a standalone application.


The System ensures a simple tabular inbox metaphor with each message on a separate line – by default only unacknowledged notification messages are displayed.


The System ensures the message list can be sorted by name, location, notification priority, and date/time generated.


The System ensures notification messages, once acknowledged by the intended recipient, are automatically removed from the default view.


The System ensures notification messages, once acknowledged by anyone, are automatically removed from the default view of any recipient that was notified because of an alert escalation.


The System ensures notification messages, once acknowledged by anyone, automatically remain in the default view of the original recipient(s). 


The System shall be capable of escalating a message that is not acknowledged within a configurable period of time, and send it to any additional recipients defined within its Notification Profile. The author shall provide alternatives for escalation messages instead of defaulting to certain participants.


The System ensures notification messages for a given patient can be collapsed into a single row which displays information for the most recent highest priority message.


The System ensures that System Supervisors can suspend delivery of notification messages if the subject is an inpatient. If a notification is suspended, the user must indicate for how long, 24 hours being the longest possible period.


The System will allow certain inpatient notifications to transfer into the outpatient setting using special notification workflows.


The System allows users to view and modify their personal information. If the user has appropriate privileges, it will allow them to search for any user and modify their demographic information.


 [FA1]There is one more thing that needs updating which is the responsible party for a notification / alert.  I will do this update after we discuss during our scheduled call at 4:30.