Signup Page

Signup Page

Application New User Registration Page

This page is used to register a New User. You will need to have a NFC Tag ID to successfully register with this application. You will need to enter the following information for registering with this application - 

  1. First Name - Please enter your First Name
  2. Last Name - Please enter your Last Name
  3. Email - Please enter your organisational email address
  4. Numeric Pin - Please enter your Numeric Pin
  5. Confirm Pin- Please re-enter your Numeric Pin
  6. Password- Please enter your Password
  7. Confirm Password- Please re-enter your Numeric Pin
  8. Organisation- Please select your organisation name from the drop-down list
  9. Facility- Please choose your facility from the drop down list
  10. Desired Role- Please choose your desired role from the drop down list
  11. NFC Tag ID
    1. Registering using Android Device - Scan your NFC TAG using Android Device
    2. Registering using computer - Enter your NFC TAG manually
  12. Captcha - Please enter the captcha provided.

Press Submit after all the details have been entered.

The image below shows a snapshot of the Signup Page