Password Reset API

Password Reset API

Table of Contents


The password reset API consists in 2 mandatory and 1 optional step. The mandatory steps are the initiation of the password reset request and its confirmation. The optional step is to check the status of a previously submitted request. 

Password Reset Initial Request

Current Implementation

This operation is meant to be used when a user wants to reset his/her password and/or pin because he/her has forgot it.

This operation performs the following actions:

  1. Creates a token with a short lifespan (10 minutes).
  2. Creates an entry in a PasswordResetRequest table associating the token and the id of the user that is initiating the request. This association prevents any valid token (other than the one that was specifically created for this purpose) to reset a user's password and/or pin. 
  3. Optionally emails the user a link that can be used to reset his/her password. (the link contains the generated token and the id of the user)

The output of this operation is:

  1. A 'success' status of 'false' and a corresponding 'failMessage' if:
    1. The provided user doesn't exist.
    2. There is some internal error in the operation.
  2. A 'success' status of 'true' if the operation was successfully completed in addition of the following information:
    1. token: The generated token in case it is needed by the client.
    2. resetURL: The original URL sent by the client but with any additional information added by the server (like the placeholder replaced with the correct token).


Base URL: /passwordReset/init

usernameStringYesThe username of the user initiating the request.


The URL that will be sent to the user via email. This URL may have 2 placeholders: {token} and {userId} that this service will replace with the generated token for the request and the id of the initiating user.


DEFAULT: 'false'

Indicates whether an notification email should be sent to the user.

API Sample

Happy Path

data: {
token: "19c65444-324a-4449-a8de-706ebe9cf8a9",
resetURL: ""
statusFact: {
success: true

Non existing user

statusFact: {
failMessage: "Unknown user for provided username",
success: false


Password Reset Request Status

Current Implementation

This operation checks whether a particular user has a pending 'password/pin reset' operation.

This operation performs the following actions:

  1. Check if an entry in PasswordResetRequest table exists for a provided user id and token.

The output of this operation is:

  1. A 'success' status of 'false' and a corresponding 'failMessage' if:
    1. There is some internal error in the operation
  2. A 'success' status of 'true' if the operation was successfully completed in addition to the following information:
    1. pending: boolean value specifying whether a pending operation exits or not.


Base URL: /passwordReset/status

userIdStringYesThe id of the user we want to check. (please not confuse the username used in the previous operation with the user id used in this one)
tokenStringYesThe token generated in the previous step. Only tokens generated by the 'initiate password/pin' operation are allowed by this operation.

API Sample

Happy Path

data: {
pending: true
statusFact: {
success: true

Non-existing user/pending operation/wrong token

data: {
pending: false
statusFact: {
success: true

Password Reset Request Confirmation

Current Implementation

This operation modified the pin and/or password of a user.

This is a POST operation.

This operation performs the following actions:

  1. Modifies pin and/or password of a user.
  2. Remove the entry of PasswordResetRequest table associated to this operation.

The output of this operation is:

  1. A 'success' status of 'false' if:
    1. There is not entry for the provided token in PasswordResetRequest.
    2. If the provided user id  and token don't match the existing PasswordResetRequest entry.
    3. There is some internal error in the operation.
  2. A 'success' status of 'true' if the operation was successfully completed.

After this operation is successfully completed, the corresponding PasswordResetRequest entry is eliminated from the database.


Base URL: /passwordReset/confirm

userIdStringYesThe id of the user we want to modify.
tokenStringYesThe password reset token associated with the provided user id.
passwordStringNo, unless pin is not providedThe new password we want to assign to the user. If this parameter is not provided, the original password of the user is not modified.
pinStringNo, unless password is not providedThe new pin we want to assign to the user. If this parameter is not provided, the original pin of the user is not modified.

API Sample

