CDS Enabled Ventilator Weaning
CDS Enabled Ventilator Weaning
NOTE: This page will be used to advance the definition and analysis of the computer assisted vent weaning use case, targeting initially a neonatal clinical context.
Use Case Description
Medical Device Standards Info
Here are info links on relevant medical device standards and standardization activities:
Medical Device Standards | Title | Link | Comments |
AAMI/UL 2800 | AAMI-UL-2800-Executive-Summary-Whitepaper 2015-10.pdf | Joint effort between AAMI and UL to create a set of standards that can be used to qualify medical device plug-and-play architectures and system components (including medical apps) as being safe and effective. | |
C4MI | Center for Medical Interoperability | www.Center4MI.org | The C4MI is developing an open standards-based medical device plug-and-play interoperability platform. This will be a key source of the device-acquired information supporting this use case. |
IEEE 11073-1010x | Nomenclature | The ISO/IEEE 11073 nomenclature / terminology specialized for medical device informatics; the 11073-10101b amendment included a significantly updated set of ventilator / respiratory terms. | |
IEEE 11073-10207 | Domain Info. & Service Model for Service-Oriented Point-of-Care Medical Device Communication | 20160111 IEEE P11073-10207 BICEPS_D6.pdf | OpenSDC information model elements as part of Basic Integrated Clinical Environment Protocol Specification (BICEPS). |
IEEE 11073-20702 | Medical Device Profile for Web Services | 20151204 IEEE P11073-20702 - MDPWS_D4.pdf | OpenSDC application profile based on Device Profile for Web Services (DPWS). |
NIST RTMMS | Rosetta Terminology Mapping Management System | rtmms.nist.gov | The NIST RTMMS tool provides public access to the IEEE 11073-10101 terminology, as well as sandboxes for creating value sets and mapping from proprietary concepts to 11073-10101 terms. |
OpenICE | Open Integrated Clinical Environment | www.OpenICE.info | OMG DDS-based medical device plug-and-play interoperability; from Dr. Goldman's www.MDPnP.org program at CIMIT in Boston. |
OpenSDC | Open Smart Device Communication | www.ORNet.org | WS*-based medical device plug-and-play interoperability; from the OR.net program in Germany; |