2016-04-28 Meeting Minutes

2016-04-28 Meeting Minutes

Jerry - Assigned to get agenda to HL7 list serve agenda

         - To draft OS requirements document

All (except Claude) ill rotate minutes for Order Service

Claude to take minutes for catalog service

Lauren to arrange post WG dialins

First catalog meeting 5-19-2016


New participants


Walters S


Working Group Meeting

Monday - Sessions 3 & 4 in Salon 6 & 7 FHIR-I, FM, II, InM, MnM, O&O, PC, OO (All)

Tuesday - ?Q1 SOA-FHIR Salon Drummond Centre (Emory), Q2 - OMG PCC Review - Room 720 (Emory, Lorraine?),  Q3 SOA - Room 720 (All), Q4 3:30 – 5:00 CIMI, EC, FHIR-I Salon 6 & 7 (Claude, Emory)

Wednesday - Q1 - FHIR/CIMI LM Discussion (Claude, Emory), Q2 + Q3 CDS Meetings Salon Drummond Centre (Claude), Q3 PCare FHIR-I, O&O, RCRIM Salon 6 & 7 (Emory, Lorraine), Q4 CIMI, CQI CDS Salle De Bal East (Claude, Emory)

Thursday Q1 CDS/OO - Update (Emory, Lorraine), Q3 CDS/CIMI Joint ?, Salon Drummond Centre (Claude), Q4 - FMG/FMB Governance (Lorraine)

Friday - Q1 - FGB (Lorraine)


Agenda Item - Graham Connect-A-Thon, Keith - Concrete Domains,CDS GAP Analysis, Neonatology Project