Apr 2, 2020 - SDMN Working Group

Apr 2, 2020 - SDMN Working Group


2 Apr 2020

See Meeting Recording

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Review presentation to be given at the OMG Reston meeting regarding SDMNStephen White



List goals for this meeting (e.g., Set design priorities for FY20):

  • Review latest metamodel structural and content changes
  • Identify next steps

Notes (raw)

We discussed the other call and discussion regarding SDMN standard OMG submission tactics. This discussion will continue separately. no resolution so far.

Should the SDMN Data Item be the lowest-common denominator or superset of the other BPM+ data elements?

the first approach would not provide the content necessary for any of the other standards, the second approach means that importing into the other languages would require some mapping. The second approach seems best.

  • We should have an example done

We discussed states for data items. We think we should have them in SDMN, but there is no real place in any the other languages to accept them. This could be part of harmonization.

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