Harmonization of Standards

Harmonization of Standards


  • Harmonize and integrate standards across multiple Standard Development Organizations (SDOs) to improve approaches for delivering executable clinical guideline recommendations and care pathways as part of Clinical Decision Support (CDS) and patient-centered care planning.

  • Manage this project within Logica to publish adoption guidance, reference implementations and tooling, and case studies that integrate work from multiple SDOs and implementer communities. Wherever possible, this Patient-Centered Care Management project will reference existing standards (published or work-in-progress) from these other SDOs.

Improve patient-centered care management by:

  • Creating patient-specific care recommendations based on applicable clinical practice guidelines and care pathways, delivered at the point-of-care to clinicians and patients.

  • Creating or updating a patient-specific care plan to coordinate care between primary care and specialists, different provider organizations, and with patients and caregivers.

  • Supporting use of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) and care pathways (CPs) for patients diagnosed with multiple chronic health conditions.

Included Standards

Additional standards may be added to this list, as needed to fulfill project objectives.

HL7 FHIR Clinical Guidelines IG (CPG-on-FHIR)         

OMG BPM+ clinical pathways

Clinical Reasoning

  • HL7 CQL and OMG DMN

HL7 FHIR standards for Patient Care

  • CarePlan, Condition, Goal, Request-type resources, Observation, and more

HL7 CDS Hooks & SMART-on-FHIR apps

  • Present guideline recommendations within EHR clinician workflow

  • Engage patients in shared decision making and self-management of chronic conditions