Logica Demo: Appointment Viewer

Logica Demo: Appointment Viewer

Logica Appointment View is an application that allows a application user to see appointments associated with Patients, Practitioners, etc. the user has access to.  As such, it is a user/*.read scoped application.

Use Case 1

A care coordinator user logs into the application and selects a patient.  The user is shown appointments in the past and future for the patient.

HRI-452 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Use Case 2

A clinician logs into the application in "practitioner view" (not patient view appointments).  The clinician is shown appointments where they are the practitioner in the past and future.

Use Case 3

A patient logs into the application and is shown appointments where they are the patient in the past and future.

Use Case 4

A user of the Appointment Viewer (Care Coordinator, Clinician, or Patient) is able to see appointments from multiple organizations.

Stretch: Use Case 5

A parent logs into the application and is shown appointments for their children (child is the patient).