Reference Set Editorial Guidelines

Reference Set Editorial Guidelines


Reference sets are used to represent value sets of SNOMED CT components. 

Reference Set Use Cases 

  • SOLOR reference sets are created for binding value sets to nominal or ordinal data elements in the Clinical Information Modeling Initiative (CIMI) models.  

Naming Conventions

  <Susan M> should revise ---- from susan m in email about vital signs refsetsI renamed the refsets with “Type of Device….” In the beginning. I think our naming convention should be “…Device Type” instead for ease in browsing. That should be a guideline.

Reference Set Criterion  

'Color' reference sets

Values for 'color' reference sets (e.g. black, yellow, red) will be drawn from the SNOMED CT Qualifier Value hierarchy.

Qualitative vs Quantitive

Qualitative content that references ordinal answers for commonly used questions (e.g. urine glucose = 1-4+, wound discharge = scant to large, etc.) should reference an authoritative source that provides unambiguous (e.g. quantitative) meanings for the content. If there are no such sources, then the content ideally should be somehow annotated to give unambiguous, definite meanings to the concepts. Example - Wound exudate qualitative amount refset

Causative Agent Refset

We can start with using a subset of the range of the SNOMED CT attribute “Causative Agent” (i.e. descendants of Organism 410607006 and descendants of Physical object 260787004). As work continues with this refset, that range of content may be specialized further or expanded as necessary. Example - Causative Agent Refset

Synonyms created for the Refsets

Synonyms will have the same meaning as the concept's FSN, not a more general meaning (e.g. "Hepatitis" would not be a valid synonym for "Hepatitis B").

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