Solor Content 2019-09-26 Meeting notes

Solor Content 2019-09-26 Meeting notes


Sep 26, 2019


  • @Susan Castillo

  • @Susan Matney

  • @John Kilbourne

  • @Nathan Davis

  • @Ning Zhuo



Discussion topics












Vital Signs Refsets
-- members

– missing refsets
Vital signs associated precondition (non-existent)

Height measurement method (non-existent) → use Measurement Means Refset - need to review these values as the method reference set with HL7 – Susan M

Weight measurement method (non-existent) → need to review these values as the method reference set – Susan M

Head circumference method (non-existent)

Head circumference device (non-existent) → create a reference set with 1 member = measuring tape

Abnormal interpretation numeric nom (non-existent) → ADD refset

Wound Edge Color Refset → create a new one called Wound Tissue Color and retire Wound Edge Color Refset




Create task for Susan M to rewrite definition of the refset.”This refset is to be used to record the presence or absence of a finding, referencing the SNOMED CT observable entity Condition present on admission 8631000205103 and the LOINC concept Condition present on admission 89251-3.”

I’m working on the spreadsheet for submitting wound assessment to SNOMED CT. I found that the 371000205102 |Presence absence reference set (foundation metadata concept)| definition is specific to “present on admission”. This reference set will be used to indicate a condition is present or absent so we need to update the definition. Let’s add this to our Solor agenda for next week.


This refset is to be used to record the presence or absence of a finding, referencing the SNOMED CT observable entity Condition present on admission 8631000205103 and the LOINC concept Condition present on admission 89251-3.




Additions to the Anatomic Location ref set – Susan M/Nathan/Ning reworking spreadsheet

Action items
