2017-09-15 IA Small Group Call

2017-09-15 IA Small Group Call





  • Continue work on creating guidelines for ANF modeling of CDS KNART terminology artifacts

Discussion items

30minReview and Discuss Current ANF Modeling GuidelinesGroup
  • Kirsten:  The version of the document we are reviewing is the one Stephanie commented on.  She accepted most of the changes that Stephanie had suggested.  She deleted the comments that had been previously addressed.  She left comments in that needed further discussion from the team.  The plans for today are to review those comments.  NOTE:  Due to many people being out, and Keith's loss of internet access, it was decided to defer that work until either the Monday IA CDS call or the Tuesday IA Small Group call.
  • Keith: Would like to use some examples from the use cases that he and Stephanie reviewed in DocBook.
  • Kirsten:  We still need clarity on when something belongs in the topic vs. instructions, such as for 12-lead ECG.  Does "12-lead" belong in the topic or in the instructions?  Is a 12-lead basically the default for ECGs or is it not?  If it is, perhaps it should be part of the topic.  We need further group discussion about this.
  • Catherine:  She has some of the CDS KNART white papers that could be used as examples for this document.  The Neurosurgery Lumbar Thoracic white paper has some good examples that we might want to use.  Keith:  They would be useful particularly for the harder examples.
  • Stephanie:  Asked if it should be allowed to have a general instruction, such as for Technique, that is null but has domain-specific instructions.  Her understanding, right or wrong, was that you must have a general instruction that is not null  before it could have any domain-specific instructions.  An example for both scenarios is shown below, which are taken from the current ANF modeling document.
    • Example of General Instruction that is Not Null with Domain-Specific Instructions for Action Request = Medication Order for Aspirin
      • General Instructions-Technique:  2 tablets, IV (Note from Stephanie:  This was taken from the current document.  Is it saying it can be either in tablet form or IV?  If yes, wouldn't it be one or the other and not both?)
      • Domain-Specific Instructions-Technique
        • Constraints:  Not to exceed 6 tablets per day
        • Access Route:  PO
        • Device Used:  Automatic pill dispenser
    • Example of General Instruction that IS Null with Domain-Specific Instructions for Action Request = Head CT Coronal and Axial with Contrast for Cerebral Ischemia (routine)
      • General Instructions-Technique:  Null
      • Domain-Specific Instructions-Technique
        • Substance Used:  Contrast media
        • Projections:  Coronal and axial