2017-11-03 IA Small Group Call #1

2017-11-03 IA Small Group Call #1





  • Continue working on ANF modeling guidelines for CDS KNART terminology artifacts.

Discussion items

30minReview Joey and Stephanie's Examples of ANF Modeling Using Revised GuidelinesGroup
  • Joey:  Concrete domain should never go into the topic and should be put into the detail.  Keith:  Agreed.  You are speaking about the exactly right issues, and finding the middle ground is a challenge.
  • Group:  Reviewed the example of breaking out topic and details for systolic BP measurement.  Discussed the situation of when to include the body site as part of the topic vs. as part of the details, such as for "Head CT" vs. "Systolic BP measured from right brachial artery."  Stephanie explained how this would be modeled using the new revised guidelines.  Keith:  Believes she has now met the URU criteria (i.e., understandable, reproducible, useful).
  • Keith:  What if a goal is essentially a request for a patient's state in the future and instead of having 3 clinical statement types, we have 2 (i.e., requests and phenomena)?  Joey:  Agreed we could narrow it down to those 2.
  • Group:  Revised the definition of phenomenon.
  • Keith:  For education, if requesting it, it would go into requests since sometimes it's an order or a patient may also request education.  If providing education, it would be included as a phenomenon clinical statement.
  • Next steps:  Joey to provide sample clinical statements and then he and Stephanie will independently indicate how they would model them and how they would split the topic from the details.  We will group at 5:00 Eastern today.

Action items

  • @Joey Coyle:  Provide sample clinical statements.