Resource Evaluation Criteria

Resource Evaluation Criteria

General Requirements

1.1Operating Systems supportedWhat operating systems are supported?
1.2Databases supportedWhat database systems are supported? Is at least one Open Source database supported?
1.3Data import/exportIs data import/export supported? What APIs or functions exist for this purpose?
1.4Archiving requirementsIs the system capable of archiving for the number of years required by legislation?
1.5SpeedThe software should meet requirements with regard to speed of access and response time. It should also comply with volume transaction handling requirements.
1.6Number of concurrent users supportedDoes the application support the required number of users? Concurrent users are users that are logged on to the system at the same time. Does the licence agreement allow installation on any number of computers
1.7System configurationHow much maintenance is required by the system. Are system admin processed such as database backup and archiving processes manual?
1.8Alternate languiagesIs there support for multiple languages and how easy is this to configure?
1.9LicensingIs the software Open Source? Is the type of Open Source license acceptable?

Admin and Security

2.1Compliance with HIPAA Security RuleDoes the software meet relevant regulatory compliance?
2.2Passwords with customizable rulesDoes the software support complex passwords and customizable rules around password length/change rules, etc.?
2.3Individual and group security settingsDoes the software use role based access control, with both individual and group settings?
2.4DICOM 95 compliant audit trailDoes the software produce a DICOM 95 compliant audit trail?
2.5Ease of customizationDoes the software supply administration functionality in an easy to use format?

Community and Support

3.1Activity of community/customer baseDoes this software have an active user community, or a substantial customer base?
3.2Backing for Open Source developmentIf Open Source, is development backed by a reputable company, or is it free-lance?
3.3Number of upgrades/year How often is the software updated? Is there a committment to provide bug fixes and patches? Are new features being added?
3.4StabilityAssess the stability of the organization providing the product. How long have they been in business? How long have they been selling this type of software? When was this application first developed? How many local and international clients do they have for the application?
3.5Upgrade pathFor entry level packages, how accessible is the upgrade path? Can the advanced version be plugged into the architecture without significant rework?

Support available?

Is there support available for this software? A forum? Email support? Sufficient documentation? Service levels available?

Cost Comparison

4.1Cost of SoftwareIs there a cost associated with this software? Is there a free version and an upgrade version?
4.2Cost of Hardware (?)
4.3Effort of ImplementationHow difficult is the implementation of this software?
4.4Effort of IntegrationHow easy is the software to integrate? How much effort will be required to introduce this package into the HSPC architecture?
4.5Effort for CustomizationHow easy is the software to customize? How much effort will there be to make this "fit for use" in HSPC?

Are the three efforts above low enough that we can simply adopt the solution as is? If not, can we do some adaptation, and provide the adaptation back to the community?

Will we have to assume ownership of the solution?