Terminology Service

Terminology Service

Basic Functional Requirements:

High level functional requirements for a terminology service include:

  • Resolving codes into concept (descriptions)
  • Resolving subsumption and other "semantic" queries between concepts
  • Resolving and expanding valuesets, supporting operations between them
  • Maintaining terminology systems, with provenance and versioning
  • Supporting mappings between terminology systems

Integration Patterns:

  • Terminology resolution as a centralized (web) service in a SOA
  • Terminology as a component in a tightly coupled architecture
  • Terminology as an in-memory application feature
  • Hybrid combinations of the above

  • High-throughput online systems, mostly focused on resolving relationships
    between coded concepts and valuesets (e.g. to support semantic queries or CDS)
  • Low-throughput online systems, mostly focused on lookups (e.g. to support CDS authoring tools)
  • Low-throughput offline systems, mostly focused on maintenance (e.g. to support maintenance tools)

Candidate Standards & Specifications:

Known Service Implementations :