Terminology Service
Terminology Service
Basic Functional Requirements:
High level functional requirements for a terminology service include:
- Resolving codes into concept (descriptions)
- Resolving subsumption and other "semantic" queries between concepts
- Resolving and expanding valuesets, supporting operations between them
- Maintaining terminology systems, with provenance and versioning
- Supporting mappings between terminology systems
Integration Patterns:
- Terminology resolution as a centralized (web) service in a SOA
- Terminology as a component in a tightly coupled architecture
- Terminology as an in-memory application feature
- Hybrid combinations of the above
- High-throughput online systems, mostly focused on resolving relationships
between coded concepts and valuesets (e.g. to support semantic queries or CDS) - Low-throughput online systems, mostly focused on lookups (e.g. to support CDS authoring tools)
- Low-throughput offline systems, mostly focused on maintenance (e.g. to support maintenance tools)
Candidate Standards & Specifications:
- FHIR terminology service - HL7 FHIR TS
- CTS-2 v1.1 specification - OMG CTS-2
- Recommended TS interaction scenarios and protocols
- RxNORM APIs - RxNav [ReST]
Known Service Implementations :
- Apelon : TBD - wiki http://apelon-dts.sourceforge.net/
- 3M : both proprietary (on CTS-2 and 3M APIs) and open source (on CTS 1.2 and 3M) versions of the HDD service exist.
HDD Access website: https://www.hddaccess.com/
Software (binary and source) downloads: https://www.hddaccess.com/hdd-access-products/download-hdd-access
Content and documentation downloads: https://www.hddaccess.com/current-content-documentation/
Online search and browser: https://www.hddaccess.com/hddbrowser/search
Online API WADL endpoint: https://www.hddaccess.com/hddbrowser/api/application.wadl
Online API documentation: http://apps.3mhis.com/docs/Care_Innovation/HDD/HDD_Access/HDD_Access_Library/index.htm#144905.htm
Uploading contributions: https://www.hddaccess.com/hdd-access-community/open-exchange - HLI : TBD
- LexVS : TBD - wiki https://wiki.nci.nih.gov/display/LexEVS/LexEVS
- OntoServer - http://ontoserver.csiro.au:8080/
- Provides support for FHIR TS API – http://ontoserver.csiro.au/fhir