Home Device Data

Home Device Data

Provision of Decision Support for the Evaluation of Home Medical Device Data

Scenario Details:  Terry is the complex, morbidly obese patient that David recently saw in clinic. David had created a personalized “milestones to health” program that was stored in the clinical decision support infrastructure. This personalized care plan was discussed with Terry during their last visit, and Terry was sent home with a special scale that would automatically upload his daily weight into CDS system. For the past 15 weeks his daily weights have been evaluated against the ideal weight loss program. However, despite great initial success, the recent holiday season has made it more difficult for Terry to follow the program. The system recognizes that Terry is falling off the plan. -it notifies both David and the patient of recommendations for a monitored exercise program three times a week, places an order for a weight-loss support group meeting, and makes a request to the obesity program coordinator to follow up with Terry by phone in two weeks to inquire as to his progress.

Terry receives an e-mail from David in the patient’s medical record system he uses from home. This system provides him with the ability to securely communicate by e-mail with his various providers and to upload his medical device data into a hospital information system. This e-mail is a personal one from David informing him that the system recommendation for both the exercise program and the support group were good ideas and that he hoped Terry would take advantage of them.

Actors: Patient (Terry), Provider (David)



Requirement #



The System shall provide secure patient / provider email.


The System shall provide a mechanism for home medical devices to upload data to the hospital


The System shall allow providers to review home medical device data.


The System shall provide a mechanism for storing provider reviewed medical data as self-reported data in the patient’s medical record.


The System shall provide a mechanism for the patient to visualize self-reported and other data in their medical record.


The System shall provide a mechanism for generating automated response messages upon analysis of reviewed self-reported data that may optionally be edited before sending.


The System shall provide a mechanism for generating automated response messages analysis of self-reported data prior to formal review by a provider.