Knowledge Retreival

Knowledge Retreival

Retrieval of Knowledge Modules (Scenario originally described in HL7 Decision Support Service (DSS) Service Functional Model (SFM) Version 1.0)

Scenario Details:  In his role as the hospital CDS expert, David decides to download several knowledge modules for local institutional use. Most are submitted as-is to Engineer Ed for integration testing and performance review. One module, however--the guideline for chronic asthma care--needs modification before it satisfies local clinical practice standards; he stores that one in his private folder for later editing.

Actors: Hospital CDS Expert (David), Engineer (Ed)


Requirement #  


2.2.1The System shall enable users to retrieve knowledge modules from a central repository and store them locally.


The System shall enable authors to submit completed work for the run-time repository/environment using an appropriate workflow.


The System shall enable authors to store draft work in a private storage area for future editing.