Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management

Identification of Knowledge Modules of Interest

(Scenario originally described in HL7 Decision Support Service (DSS) Service Functional Model (SFM) Version 1.0)

Scenario Details:  In his role as the hospital CDS expert Provider David uses the local DDSS A query tool to identify the CDS functions and capabilities supported locally. He also uses it to gain authorized access to several authoritative sources of clinical rules, including the American Medical Informatics Association’s Knowledge Management Repository (DDSS B). The query system identifies knowledge modules in each repository that meets his CDS implementation requirements.

To identify knowledge modules of interest, David can ask each system questions such as:

(1) what module traits/metadata are available for searching for knowledge modules?

(2) what semantic signifiers are used by the DDSS knowledge modules to specify their data requirements and the query parameters associated with those data requirements?

 (3) what semantic signifiers are used by the DDSS knowledge modules to return clinical decision support results or recommendations?

 (4) what semantic signifiers are used by the DDSS knowledge modules to identify a patient or group of patients that the module applies to?

David uses the DDSS A query system to retrieve and review module metadata from DDSS B.  In making the request, Provider David has the option of requesting all data requirements associated with the knowledge modules of interest, or requesting only those modules with data requirements that the local DDSS A client is able to fulfill.  If choosing the latter option, David must specify as part of the request the data available to the local system.

Actors: Institutional Clinical Domain Expert (Provider)


Requirement #


2.1.1The System will publish metadata required to search for knowledge modules.


The System shall enable one DDSS host to search rules and / or workflows on other remote DDSS hosts.


The System shall identify the attributes and semantics used by the data objects in the module.

2.1.4The System shall identify the attributes and semantics used in the module to identify patients or populations.
2.1.5The System shall identify the attributes and semantics used by notifications, alerts and actions in the module.
2.1.6The System shall identify the actions, populations, and data used by the local system.
2.1.7The System shall optionally use local actions, populations, and / or data to search remote systems.
2.1.8The System shall identify the operational parameters (reference ranges) of the equipment used locally.
2.1.9The System shall identify the operational parameters (reference ranges) of the equipment used remotely.
2.1.10The System shall provide role based access control.