Connectathon Support Page

Connectathon Support Page

EPS Configuration

Manual Configuration

Unfortunately, the latest EPS snapshot on Sonatype is not current. To use EPS, you will need to:

After all the projects are build locate the file EPS-Implementation/eps-webservice/target/EPSWebService.war and deploy it into a web container.

To test whether EPS is deployed or not open the following URL in a browser: http://localhost:8080/EPSWebService (change the host and port to match your configuration).


A Docker image of EPS can be build from the following repository:

After the repository is cloned, run:

  • ./docker-build.sh
  • ./docker-start.sh

To test whether EPS is deployed or not open the following URL in a browser: http://localhost:5050/EPSWebService

UCS Configuration

Manual Configuration

 To use UCS, you will need to:

UCS runs inside a framework called NiFi (https://nifi.apache.org/). Follow the instructions in nifi-implementation README.MD file to deploy and run UCS inside a NiFi instance.


A Docker image of UCS can be build from the following repository:

In order to run UCS inside a Docker container, docker-compose must be installed in your system.

After the repository is cloned and docker-compose is installed, run:

  • chmod -r a+rw ucs-docker/ucs-nifi-docker/files
  • chmod -r a+rw ucs-docker/ucs-nifi-docker/contact
  • ./ucs-docker-build.sh
  • ./ucs-docker-start.sh

Docker-compose will not only start a UCS instance, but it also start a sample application that can be used to test UCS.

$Evaluate Operation Reference Implementation

A reference implementation of both, a DecisionSupportRule and a CDS system using it can be found in the following repository:

After cloning the repository, run:

  • 'mvn clean install'

This repository also contains some other modules required for some other components in the ecosystem.

HSPC Java-client-fork

To build this project you will need to:

CareWeb Configuration


To build this project you will need to:


To build this project you will need to:


To build this project you will need to:

The final result if the compilation is the generation of a web application that can be located in cwfdemo-webapp-parent/cwfdemo-webapp-connectathon/target/cwfdemo-webapp-connectathon-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war. This web application is ready to be deployed in any Java Web Container. It is recommended to rename this .war file to something easier to remember/type (i.e. cwfdemo-webapp.war).

HAPI-FHIR Server Configuration

The reference hapi-server used for this demo can be found here:


The hapi-fhir server implementation will soon be changed to one from HSPC

After the repository is cloned, run 'mvn clean install' to build it.

The hapi-fhir server is a web application that can run in any Java Web Container. The .war file containing the web application can be found in hapi-fhir-server/server-web/target/hapi-fhir-jpaserver-example.war. It is recommended to change the name of the .war file to something simpler like hapi.war, fhir.war or server-web.war before deploying it.

Running the Demo

Assuming that EPS and UCS are running (if they are not, follow the instructions in the previous sections), the following applications have to be started/deployed.

HAPI-FHIR server

Use the instructions in the previous section to generate a .war file and deploy it in a web container. In order to test whether the server is running, open the following URL in a browser: http://localhost:8080/server-web (make sure the hostname, port and context name match with your current configuration)

CDS System

In order to demo the HSPC Exclusive Breastfeeding Rule the CDS reference system must be up and running. The CDS system is a command line application that can be started following these steps:

  • navigate to where the clone of may16fhirconnectathon repository is located
  • cd CDS
  • Review that all the configuration parameters in src/main/resources/cds.properties are correct.
  • mvnWrapper clean install -DskipTests assembly:single
  • cd target
  • java -jar CDS-Exec.jar

CareWeb Application

Use the instructions in the previous section to generate a .war file from hspc-connectathon and deploy it in a web container. In order to test whether the server is running, open the following URL in a browser: http://localhost:8080/cwfdemo-webapp (make sure the hostname, port and context name match with your current configuration)