Process Data Model Requirements

Process Data Model Requirements

Taken and paraphrased from SDMN effort under bpm+

Situational Data is the set of Data Items and their structures that are needed for the performance and understanding of a (sharable) clinical pathway.


The informational needs of a process model (bpm/cmmn) are different from a typical health information model for an enterprise architecture/framework/platform.


The difference is derived from the longevity/scope of the requirement - an information model supporting various health related applications would need to support elements of a patient such as address, height, weight, birthdate. There are aspects of the model which would/could be added to support future features.

The “information model requirements” for a process are limited in scope to support this process. The types of information requirements are also focused and fine grained and usually have a temporal aspects as compared to other models.

For instance - an information model for an enterprise might have the concept of vital signs observations and a relationship between patient and these observations. The vital signs observation structure would have elements to support a variety of data points for the vital sign.

A process model supporting diabetes management would have a requirement for a specific vital sign (AIC) test within the past 3 months for instance. The data type item for this case would be a percentage.

The meta-model requirements to define such a structure is in part what the SDMN is focused on.




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