Suicidal risk and self-directed violence - Columbia Reference Set

Suicidal risk and self-directed violence - Columbia Reference Set

Use Case(s)

A clinician wishes to document clinical information related to suicide risk and self-directed violence (e.g. risk factors and relevant history, interventions, etc.), drawing especially from either the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale Screener (C-SSRS) or from the VA-CDC Self-Directed Violence Classification System (SDVCS)


Suicidal risk and self-directed violence - Columbia reference set

Purpose of Refset

This refset contains SNOMED International and SOLOR extension content relevant to identifying and treating persons at risk for suicide and self-directed violence. The content is primarily drawn from the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale Screener (C-SSRS) and from the VA-CDC Self-Directed Violence Classification System (SDVCS).

Examples of what to include

6471006 | Suicidal thoughts (finding)

Examples of what to exclude

There is no explicitly excluded content at this time (March 2018)

Zero or one OR Zero or more

Zero or more

Editorial Guidelines

Content ideally should reflect validated instruments and protocols used in suicide prevention and treatment.

Similar SOLOR Refsets (assemblages)

Comprehensive Suicide Risk Assessment (CSRA) refset - content from a VA suicide risk assessment instrument containing the following sub-refsets:

Clinical impression of risk
Event to report
History of suicide attempts
Most lethal attempt
Most recent attempt
Protective factors
Risk factors
Risk management strategy

Additionally, these two refsets also exist now (July 2018), from VA suicide-related content:

Comprehensive suicide risk assessment (VA MHPO SBOR) reference set ("Suicide Behavior Overdose Report")

Comprehensive suicide risk assessment (VA MHPO) - Self-directed violence classification system (SDVCS) refset (containing VA and CDC content)

Associated Value Sets

No associated value sets at this time (4/2018)