Comprehensive suicide risk assessment (VA MHPO) reference set
Use Case(s)
A clinician wishes to record items related to suicide risk and suicide activity for the VA Comprehensive Suicide Risk Assessment instrument.
Comprehensive suicide risk assessment (VA MHPO) reference set
Purpose of Refset
This refset provides items from the Veteran's Administration Mental Health Program Office (VA MHPO) Suicide Behavior and Overdose Report which have been encoded with SNOMED CT.
Examples of what to include
Include content from the VA Mental Health Program Office Comprehensive Suicide Risk Assessment instrument
Examples of what to exclude
No specific exclusions
Zero or one OR Zero or more
Zero or more
Editorial Guidelines
No specific editorial guidelines at this time (July 2018)
Similar SOLOR Refsets (assemblages)
This refset is composed of sub-refsets intended to be gathered into a single CSRA refset:
Clinical impression of risk
Event to report
History of suicide attempts
Most lethal attempt
Most recent attempt
Protective factors
Risk factors
Risk management strategy
There are additional refsets containing suicide-related content:
Comprehensive suicide risk assessment (VA MHPO SBOR) reference set ("Suicide Behavior Overdose Report")
Comprehensive suicide risk assessment (VA MHPO) - Self-directed violence classification system (SDVCS) refset (containing VA and CDC content)
Suicidal risk and self-directed violence reference set
Associated Value Sets
No associated value sets at this time (April 2018)