Pain Associated Signs and Symptoms Refset
Pain Associated Signs and Symptoms Refset
Use Case(s)
Pain is often associated with other conditions, such as nausea, fatigue, etc. The purpose of this reference set is to document conditions associated with pain.
Pain Associated Signs and Symptoms Reference Set
Purpose of Refset
The purpose of this reference set is to document conditions associated with pain. Resulting LOINC code XXX.
Examples of what to include
Nausea, vomiting, bleeding, fatigue, numbness
Examples of what to exclude
Medications, procedures
Zero or one OR Zero or more
Zero or more
Editorial Guidelines
Member of this value set must be children of Clinical Findings
Similar SOLOR Refsets (assemblages)
Pressure ulcer association reference set. This reference set is different because the condition it qualifies is "Pain"
Associated Value Sets
There are many value sets in VSAC containing lists of findings.