FHIR Compliant Terminology Sever Interaction Scenarios

FHIR Compliant Terminology Sever Interaction Scenarios

Work in progress


This page collects some of the most common interaction patterns. We describe some recommended protocols which
should be adopted by application developers to ensure behavioral compliance. 

Term Normalization 

Background (example): An application is creating a new Resource, e.g. to be POSTed to a FHIR server or channel.
The codeable concepts that need to be expressed (e.g. the type of a test to be ordered) are available but
may be encoded in a local form that is not compatible with the conformance profile required by the recipient.
The application should consult the profile, verify the compliance of the adopted coding and, if necessary,
perform a normalization (also using Concept Maps) before the new resource is submitted.

TBD : Sequence Diagram