UCOM Nifi Processors
UCOM Nifi Processors
A brain dump of the Nifi processors we require for UCOM:
Name | Type | Comment |
SFI Client | Ingress | Implements the SFI client interface |
SFI Conversation | Ingress | Implements the SFI conversation interface |
SFI Alerting | Ingress | Implements the SFI alerting interface |
SFI Adapter | Ingress | Implements the SFI adapter interface |
SFI Management | Ingress | Implements the SFI management interface |
SFI Service Monitoring | Ingress | Implements the SFI service monitoring interface |
User Resolution | Transformation | Converts non-physical user endpoints into physical ones in the current message |
Response Handler | Transformation | Handles expected and unexpected responses (communications back from services we've previously sent messages to). Also responsible for invoking re-routing when a response hasn't been received within an expected time frame |
Failed To Reach Handler | Transformation | Handles failed to reach errors from data egress processors |
Router | Transformation | Directs messages to the necessary egress processors as determined by the physical endpoints in the message |
EPS Subscription | Ingress | Listens for messages the requested topic on the EPS |
EPS Publication | Egress | Sends messages to the supplied topic on the EPS |
Send SMS | Egress | Sends a message to a SMS service |
Get SMS | Ingress | Listens for messages from a SMS service |
Send Chat | Egress | Sends a message to an XMPP service |
Get Chat | Ingress | Listens for chat messages from an XMPP service |
Send Email | Egress | Sends an email to an SMTP service |
Get Email | Ingress | Listens for emails on a POP3/IMP service |
Send Alert | Egress | Sends an alert to an alerting service (See SFI) |
Get AlertAck | Ingress | Listen for alert responses from an alerting service (See SFI) |
Send T2V | Egress | Send T2V to a VoIP service |
Get VM | Ingress | Get voice messages from a VoIP service |
SFI - Service Functional Interface as specified in the HL7 DSTU for UCOM