UCOM Nifi Processors

UCOM Nifi Processors

A brain dump of the Nifi processors we require for UCOM:

SFI ClientIngressImplements the SFI client interface
SFI ConversationIngressImplements the SFI conversation interface
SFI AlertingIngress

Implements the SFI alerting interface

SFI AdapterIngressImplements the SFI adapter interface
SFI ManagementIngressImplements the SFI management interface
SFI Service MonitoringIngressImplements the SFI service monitoring interface
User ResolutionTransformationConverts non-physical user endpoints into physical ones in the current message
Response HandlerTransformation

Handles expected and unexpected responses (communications back from services we've previously sent messages to).

Also responsible for invoking re-routing when a response hasn't been received within an expected time frame

Failed To Reach HandlerTransformationHandles failed to reach errors from data egress processors
RouterTransformationDirects messages to the necessary egress processors as determined by the physical endpoints in the message
EPS SubscriptionIngressListens for messages the requested topic on the EPS
EPS PublicationEgressSends messages to the supplied topic on the EPS
Send SMSEgressSends a message to a SMS service
Get SMSIngressListens for messages from a SMS service
Send ChatEgressSends a message to an XMPP service
Get ChatIngressListens for chat messages from an XMPP service
Send EmailEgressSends an email to an SMTP service
Get EmailIngressListens for emails on a POP3/IMP service
Send AlertEgressSends an alert to an alerting service (See SFI)
Get AlertAckIngressListen for alert responses from an alerting service (See SFI)
Send T2VEgressSend T2V to a VoIP service
Get VMIngressGet voice messages from a VoIP service


SFI - Service Functional Interface as specified in the HL7 DSTU for UCOM