

We will be using our cognitivemedicine.com Gmail service through IMAP/SMTP.

Note Gmail only supports SSL connections since the NSA was caught reading your emails.

  • Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server - Requires SSL
  • Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - Requires TLS
    • smtp.gmail.com
    • Port: 465 or 587
    • Requires SSL: Yes
    • Requires authentication: Yes
    • Use same settings as incoming mail server
  • Full Name or Display Name: [your name]
  • Account Name or User Name: your full Gmail address (username@gmail.com). Google Apps users, please enter username@your_domain.com
  • Email address: your full Gmail address (username@gmail.com) Google Apps users, please enter username@your_domain.com
  • Password: your Gmail password

The Java Mail API should be sufficient to support the types of operations we want to perform (we could use a lower level API like the Apache Commons Net one but that adds a certain amount of coding overhead).

Java Mail API (there are specific Gmail detailsĀ here)

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