Scenario modeling notes

Scenario modeling notes

Need view to mock workflow event
User logs in and admits a new patient (and a dependent patient) - Location is recovery room (breastfeeding intent), NICU (two days worth of breastfeeding for every 4 hours or possibly formula)
Modified MAR to capture medication administrations
Expose questionnaire (a module, eventually dynamic HeD)
Need to expose form to capture mother's intent in CareWeb
Need form to support creating new or update existing order (Education Intervention)
User discharges the patient
User transfers the patient
How to sign and update a procedure request from a communication request - if we take them to the procedurerequest form, they can both sign or update. May be easier.

5. Number of babies, admission and discharge date (ADT), record of all of their feedings and type, record of the encounter with start and end date, admission record.
5a. all of 5 plus documentation of mother's intent (Observation - need codes | QuestionnaireResponse).
Need exclusion criteria (pick two or three such as Galactosemia)

CDS will ensure that if question has not been asked, that it be asked to ensure better compliance with 5a.

Rule fires when baby transferred from recovery to NICU. Result of rule is recommendation of nurse to document mother's intention
Refire rule when baby is admitted to NICU

Admission to recovery room (Baby is born - 2-4hrs) - rule fires
Discharge from recovery room - rule is re-evaluated
Admission to ward - rule evaluated (24-48hrs with 72 hrs for C-section)
Time x post admission to ward (human task)
Discharge from ward - measure evaluated

Explicitly leaving out NICU use case

ADT Form:
- demographic attributes
- Condition attributes
- Encounter start time (triggered by admission to X)
- Encounter end time (triggered by discharge from X)
- Care setting

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