

To Do list

  • Ability to change the status of a ProcedureRequest from the UI.
  • It would be nice to have a relationship between the ProcedureRequest and the CommunicationRequest so we can sign the PR from within the Inbox.
  • Ability to create a Procedure (sign a PR? Questionnaire?) from the UI.
  • Add a Baby Transfer Questionnaire (that generate Encounter instances) so we can move from one step to the other in the scenario.
  • Align AidBox, OpenCDS and Partners $evaluate implementations (and have a way to switch implementations).
  • Implement 2 more $evaluate execution model:
    • We pass the references to the resources we want to be evaluated.
    • The definition of the resources we want to be evaluated is taken from the definition of the DecisionSupportServiceModule.
  • Implement DecisionSupportServiceModule triggers (as it is right now, an Encounter will ALWAYS trigger a specific rule) 
  • It was proposed for DecisionSupportRule to no longer have a $evaluate operation associated to it. We need to switch to DecisionSupportServiceModule.
  • Use Apelon Terminology Service for Value Set resolution.
  • Wrap UCS and EPS interactions using FHIR operations.
  • Use Subscription Resource isntead of HAPI hooks to publish to EPS.