Logica Reference Implementation

Logica Reference Implementation


The Logica Reference Implementation (RI) is a collection of web applications and client libraries that provide a working solution for the Logica Technical Specification.  The RI uses technologies chooses by the consortium including  FHIR, SMART on FHIR, HAPI-FHIR, and JSON as well as implementation choices of Java, MySQL, MITREid, and SpringFramework.


Logica Reference API

 The Logica Reference API is a FHIR Resource server that adds extensions for the SMART on FHIR security and launch model.

Logica Reference Auth

The Logica Reference Auth app contains a Mitre OpenID Connect (OpenID and OAuth 2.0) server and extensions for the SMART on FHIR specification.

Logica Reference Messaging

The Logica Reference Messaging system is designed to support FHIR Subscription resources and show how such patterns can be part of an enterprise content-based routing solution.

Logica Reference SMART Apps

The Logica Reference Apps WAR contains third party and Logica apps that follow the SMART on FHIR specification.

Registering a Launch Context

Download, Build, Install, and Run the Reference Implementation

See Platform Developer's Guide

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