Wound Type Refset

Wound Type Refset

Use Case(s)

A clinician wishes to record the type of a wound or skin injury.


Wound Type RefSet

Purpose of Refset

The purpose of this Refset is to describe types of wounds and skin injuries.  Differentiating pressure ulcers and other types of wounds is important for an accurate count of their number and for identifying appropriate wound treatment.  The values will be used for documenting and retrieving data regarding the number and types of wounds present.  

Examples of what to include

Cellulitis (disorder)

Examples of what to exclude

Do not include wound classifications such as clean, dirty, infected.

Zero or one OR Zero or more

Zero or one.  

Editorial Guidelines

Not specific to this refset.

Similar Refsets

Not applicable.

Associated Clinical Quality Measures

<Identify if this refset will be associated with any clinical quality measures>