Wound Bed Appearance Refset

Wound Bed Appearance Refset

Use Case(s)

A clinician wishes to record the appearance of a wound bed.


Wound Bed Appearance Refset

Purpose of Refset

This refset provides values for recording and retrieving clinical observations/findings/phenomena obtained in the examination and care of a wound bed or wound base.

Examples of what to include

Wound edges approximated (finding)

Examples of what to exclude

 Eschar (morphologic abnormality)

Zero or one OR Zero or more

Zero or more.

Editorial Guidelines

The values should come from the SNOMED CT fiindings/disorder hierarchies, not from the qalifier value or body structure hierarchies.

Similar Refsets

Not applicable.

Associated Clinical Quality Measures

<Identify if this refset will be associated with any clinical quality measures>

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