Skin Moisture Refset

Skin Moisture Refset

Use Case(s)

Record and retrieve clinical observations related to skin moisture, especially in the context of wound care. Referencing the SNOMED CT observable, moistness of skin (observable entity) 364532007 and LOINC concept Moisture of Skin 39129-2.


Skin Moisture Refset

Purpose of Refset

The purpose of this refset is to provide values related to skin moisture observation in the care of patients, particularly in the context of wound care.

Examples of what to include

Excessive sweating (finding)

Examples of what to exclude

Skin moisture barrier dressing kit (physical object)

Zero or one OR Zero or more

Zero or one

Editorial Guidelines

Content should be drawn from the Findings hierarchy

Similar Refsets

Not applicable.

Associated Clinical Quality Measures

<Identify if this refset will be associated with any clinical quality measures>

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