2020-05-11 Weekly Meeting
Attended | Name | Affiliation |
x | @Bo Dagnal | Perspecta |
x | Dhruv Sharma | American College of Emergency Physicians |
| Pawan Goyal | American College of Emergency Physicians |
x | Tracie Berardi | OMG |
| Ken Rubin |
| Robert Lario |
| Janet Chrosniak | VA |
| Andrew Madry |
x | Pete Melrose | Chart Saas |
| Amy Stowers |
| John Svirbely |
| Steve White | BPM Advantage |
x | Anna Orlova |
| Lee Wise |
| Keith Butler |
| E Wong |
| Aya Heshmat | ACOG |
x | Marcial, Laura | RTI |
| Salzman | CIT Consulting |
| Maria Michaels |
Agenda and Minutes
Document any tasks here, Document any decisions on group page
Agenda Item | Lead | Minutes |
Stages of Emergency Department (ED) Status During Pandemic | Dhruv Sharma | Reference Links: https://www.acep.org/corona/covid-19-field-guide/cover-page/ |
Next Steps: |
| Bo Dagnall |
| Ken Rubin and Robert Lario
| Pending |
| Dhruv Sharma - already planned as part of the ACEP HIT c4ommittee | In Process |
| Laura Marcial (pending input from item 3) | Presented Survey Staging an Emergency Department in an Emergency
| Dhruv Sharma and Jan Chrosniak |
Survey Discussion: Need to identify who answers the survey - are they qualified Need to define the thresholds for the categories of things assessed in the survey (e.g., "minor shortages" vs "shortages") - may have an answer from ACEP this week Need to translate the model into an algorithm that calculates organizational stage based on answers to the survey - if you reach any point in a stage it triggers the entire stage Need to answer the "so what" question
Recommend keep organizational assessment and individual health status as two separate things - 2 different apps for now | Bo Dagnall | New Action: wireframes for a pilot mobile app (Laura) - Bo will talk to Perspecta digital services team New Action: knowledge base for recommendations based on staging classifications and specific staging factors (e.g., supplies)