2020-07-07 APE Meeting Agenda/Minutes

2020-07-07 APE Meeting Agenda/Minutes

2020-07-07 APE Meeting Agenda/Minutes









Anna Orlova

Tufts School of Medicine


Lee Wise

Clinch Valley Medical Center


Tracie Berardi



Bruce Bray

University of Utah


Linda Chan

Pivotal Insight, LLC.


Michael Cesino

Visible Systems Corporation


Denis Gagne



Robert Lario

University of Utah


Ann Nguyen

University of Kentucky College of Medicine


Velma Payne

Idaho State University


Ken Rubin

University of Utah


Elizabeth Smith



Amy Stowers



Gay Stahr

JP systems


Sree Vaddi

Red Hat


Steve White

BPM Advantage


Derek Buchanan



Rachel Richesson

Duke University


Katherine (Kat) Ariano

Duke University


Ruben Medalla

Duke University


Alison (Ali) Lieb

Duke University

Agenda and Minutes

Agenda Item

Agenda Item

July 7, 2-3pm ET Call – Tentative Agenda

2.00-2.05 Welcome and Introductions

2.05-2.20 BPM+ & MCBK Meetings De-Briefing, Anna Orlova, Ann Nguyen, Mike Cesino

2.20-2.20 BPM+ Educational Strategy Roadmap Draft Version 1 – BPM+ Members Review, Anna Orlova

2.30-2.40 APE Survey, Ann Nguyen and Mike Cesino

5min -Part 1: Phase 0-Jumpstart Session Survey Results

Preparation for Phase 1: Survey of Selected Universities, Professional Organizations

5min- Part 2: Survey of Tools/Value Engineering Methods - Access BPM+ tooling for teaching.

2.40-2.50 Update on APE Pilot for Student Capstone with Duke University, Rachel Richesson, Anna Orlova

2.50-2.55 APE Business Cases List for BPM+ teaching – adding COVID-19, Ann Nguyen, Anna Orlova

2.55-3.00 Action Items Review

Meeting Notes GoToMeeting Recording and Transcript

07-07-20-BPM+APE Call: Action Items

1.0 MCBK-APE Collaboration:

1.1 Bruce Bray, Chair of MCBK Standards will lead a 15-20 min discussion at the next APE call, 7/21/20, about possible collaboration, eg educational activities at MCBK with our DUSON participation as an example

2.0 BPM+APE Strategy Charter Review by BPM+ Members

2.1 Ask Tracie to circulate the Charter for BPM+ members review (7/7-8/31)

3.0 BPM+ Meeting in September 2020:

3.1 Plan for educational resources (curriculum, syllabus with content for each module, etc.) to be delivered:

By 8/15 – develop content for the following educational modules

  • Module 1: Stds & Interoperability Overview (Anna, Mike, Bruce, Velma, Ken, Katherine, Gay), eg Interoperability Curriculum class for VA (Mat Green)

  • Module 2: ???

  • Module 3: ???

  • Module 4: Pre-design case studies for teaching (see attachment below)

  • Module 5: Capstone Project Practica

  • Discuss at the next APE Call on 7/21

4. Survey:

Part 1: Teaching: Have a working call the week of 20th to tailor the survey to address Tracie’s questions regarding the responders who wanted to teach BPM+ -- Linda will send the doodle invitation

Part 2- Tools: 1-involve other tools authors for guidance; 2-develop pre-design projects for users in the classroom settings -- Mike will compose the email to collaborate tools’ authors

5. APE Capstone Projects

5.1 Continue weekly calls on Wed 4-5pm ET to plan SME review and completion of the project including AMIA 2021 submission by March 15, 2021

6. APE Business Cases List for BPM+ teaching – see Attachment below for the proposed list of case studies to be developed

Attachment: Proposed List of Case Studies for Educational Module 4

APE Projects

  1. Developing Educational Module on Clinical Pathway Standardization using BPM+, Anna

  2. Develop an eTutorial on the Use of BPM+ in Informatics Projects related to the Development and Deployment of Consumer (Patient) Health Informatics Applications/Tools, Velma

  3. BPM+ and Clinical Decision Support Internship and Practicum Capstone Project, Ken

  4. Survey on the Use of BPM+ Academic and Professional Programs, Mike, Ann

  5. eTutorial on the Use of Tools to Support BPM+ Informatics Projects, Mike

  6. Supporting Revenue Integrity, Lee

  7. Public Health Reporting: Child Sex Trafficking Victims, Duke University School of Nursing (DUSON) student capstone pilot, Katherine

  8. COVID-19 in Trauma Setting, Ann and DUSON student

  9. BPM+ at large Projects

  10. BPM+ Implementation Cases, in collaboration with other BPM+ groups

Next Meetings:

  • The Academic & Professional Education (“APE”) committee meets bi-weekly on Tuesday, July 7, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST

  • BPM+DUSON Capstone (Weekly) call Wednesday, July 8, 4:00 PM- 5:00 PM EST

  • BPM+DUSON Capstone (Weekly) call Wednesday, June 15, 4:00 PM- 5:00 PM EST

  • The Academic & Professional Education (“APE”) committee meets bi-weekly on Tuesday, July 21, 2:00 PM –3:00 PM EST