2020-05-26 APE Group Meeting Agenda/Minutes

2020-05-26 APE Group Meeting Agenda/Minutes









Anna Orlova

Tufts School of Medicine


Lee Wise

Clinch Valley Medical Center


Michael Cesino

Visible Systems Corporation


Amy Stowers



Elizabeth Smith



Denis Gagne



Steve White

BPM Advantage


Rachel Richesson

Duke University


Velma Payne

Idaho State University


Bruce Bray

University of Utah


Ken Rubin



Linda Chan

Pivotal Insight


Ann Nguyen

University of Kentucky College of Medicine


Tracie Berardi



Sree Vaddi

Red Hat

Agenda and Minutes

Agenda Item

GoToMeeting recording and Transcript

2.00-2.05 Welcome and Introductions

2.05-2.10 Call 5-12-20 - Action Items Review, Anna Orlova

2.10-2.25 BPM+ Educational Strategy Roadmap Draft Version 1 Document Review (attached), ALL

  • Vision, Mission, Objective, Outcome

    Scope and Tasks: Who to teach, What to teach, How to teach, Who will teach

    Timeline, Deliverables (Products & Services), Point of Contacts by Task

    2.25-2.45 APE Pilot for Student Capstone with Duke University, Rachel Richesson, Lee Wise & Anna Orlova

  • Example of the Capstone Project Description: Developing an Educational Module on <Revenue Integrity (RI)> Standardization using BPM+, Lee Wise (attached)

  • See Attachment for the list of other capstone projects below

2.45-2.55 APE BPM+ Metamodel for Resources/Services

2.55-3.00 Action Items Review

5-26-20-Action Items

Confluence - APE Collaborative Infrastructure. All to

1.1   Sign at BPM+ Healtharchived

1.2   Verify/update affiliation at the 4/28/20 Call page

1.3   Review the current site for improvements as needed

1.4   Linda and Co-chairs will meet the week of 5/26 to update the APE website in Confluence and Trello

  1. BPM+APE Strategy Charter

2.1 By 5/29- Please send FINAL revisions on the draft BPM+APE Strategy Charter (attached) to Anna Orlova at anna.orlova@tufts.edu in Track Changes by noon Friday 5/29.

2.2 By 6/1 - Based on this feedback, co-chairs will develop the version 1 of the Strategy by Wed 6/1

2.3. After 6/1 APE WG will disseminate the Strategy for cross workgroup review

2.4 By 6/9 - Develop updated slide deck for June mtg and discuss at the APE call on 6/9 (Lee and Anna); use graphic on how WG work together and validate that it still work for the APE (Ken and Tracie)

  1. APE Capstone Projects

3.1 By 5/29 - ALL will harmonize the Capstone description template using the Revenue Integrity description

3.2 By 6/3 – Linda and co-chair will develop in Confluence/Trello the shared workspace for students to use

3.3 Volunteers (Velma, Bruce, Mike, Ann) will join, if possible, students weekly call (Wed 4-5pm ET) to observe and guide the project implementation

  1. Education Metamodel

4.1 5/26 - Anna will share the PPT with the HIM Episode of Care Record Lifecycle (HIM Model) and the Revenue Integrity Use Case presented at the call

4.2 By 6/5 – All will think about using the HIM model and/or other possible Metamodels for representation/grouping of education resources

  1. Survey on

Teaching of BPM+ in academic and professional programs (Summer 2020)

Part 1: Access existing academic and professional programs with BPM content, eg, workflow modeling (who, what, to which extent programs are teaching BPM).

Part 2: Survey of Tools/Value Engineering Methods - Access BPM+ tooling for teaching.

5.1 Ann and Mike will prepare this topic for discussion at the 6/9 APE Call

Other reference links provided:

BPM+ Long Beach Workshop Notes