2021-05-26 Academic and Professional Education (APE) Group Meeting notes

2021-05-26 Academic and Professional Education (APE) Group Meeting notes









@Lee Wise

Clinch Valley Medical Center


Nicole Miller

Miller And Miller Associates USA, LLC


Anna Orlova

Tufts School of Medicine


Esna Meshi

Health Informatics and Analytics Program, Tufts University School of Medicine


Linda Chan

Forge Forward


Shane McNamee



Mike Cesino

Visible Systems Corporation


Ken Rubin

University of Utah


Velma Payne

Idaho State University


Angela Reilly

Health Informatics and Analytics Program, Tufts University School of Medicine


Ann Nguyen

University of Kentucky College of Medicine




Agenda and Minutes

Agenda Item


Agenda Item


Object Management Group (OMG)
Business Process Management Plus (BPM+) Initiative
Academic and Professional Education (APE) Group
Confluence - APE Collaborative Infrastructure BPM+ Healtharchived


May 26, 2021, 12.30-1.30pm ET Call – Tentative Agenda

  1. Welcome

  2. Approval of Minutes from last meeting

  3. Confluence transferring to Causeway – Linda Chan + Nicole Miller
    a. Our information has been moved over the workgroup members should have been sent a email with instructions to get in. If not reach out to me and let me know.

  4. HIMSS presentation opportunities? – Nicole Miller
    a. Had a meeting and starting to generate ideas waiting to have more meetings as nothing has been set up yet.

  5. Tufts Capstone Project Update: Sharing Referral Data between Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems in Dental Practices (with Tufts Univ. and American Association of Orthodontists (AAO)/American Dental Association (ADA) Standards Committee), Nicole Miller + Linda Chan
    a. Project has been concluded and I believe Linda has updated information to put on the site or has already.

  6. APE at BPM+ Health Meeting in March 2021 – update on recording push out for education
    a. Terrance has completed this and has sent me the individual links and will also be in causeway.

  7. Creation of Innovator in Residence/fellowship program – Lee Wise
    a. Esna and Lee will be working on this, Esna provided an updated document

  8. Fall Risk, Trauma Sepsis protocol and Revenue Integrity roll out possibilities – Lee Wise, Nicole Miller
    a. Lee and I will make a plan to continue work on these Use Cases, specifically the Revenue Integrity Use Case

  9. Discuss Meeting with Lynn Thomas Gordan (Orthodontics Association CEO) and Deb Green (work on their use cases and take through modeling vs standardization) – TBD

  10. Plan for the Year – Nicole Miller + Lee Wise
    a. Want to develop a plan to lead us through the year and what we want to work on and deliverables. Many of the other workgroups may be willing to collaborate and assist.

Meeting Notes: