2021-03-02 Academic and Professional Education (APE) Group Meeting notes

2021-03-02 Academic and Professional Education (APE) Group Meeting notes









Anna Orlova,



Ann Nguyen,



Linda Chan,






Nicole Miller



Mike Cesino






Agenda and Minutes

Agenda Item

Agenda Item

March 2, 2021, 12.30-1.30pm ET Call – Tentative Agenda

2.00-2.05 Welcome and Introductions

2.05-2.20 February 16 Call Actions Review, Anna Orlova

2.20-2.45 2021 Activities

  1. APE Confluence Website Overview, Linda Chan

  2. Annual BPM+ Health Interoperability Education Track, Lee Wise

  3. Tufts Capstone Project Update: Sharing Referral Data between Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems in Dental Practices (with Tufts Univ. and American Association of Orthodontists (AAO)/American Dental Association (ADA) Standards Committee), Anna Orlova, Angela Reilly, Esna Meshi

  4. BPM+ APE Presentation Recording Update, Anna Orlova

  5. APE at BPM+ Health Meeting in March 2021

    1. Duke Capstone Demonstration, Mike Cesino

    2. Tufts Capstone Presentation, Anna Orlova, Angela Reilly, Esna Meshi

2.45-2.55 Other 2021 Activities

  1. Other Activities

    1. APE Capstone Syllabus Videos, Anna Orlova – (Development of Business Case, Use Case & Stds Selection, etc.)

    2. Next Use Cases: Fall, Trauma Sepsis Protocol, and Revenue Integrity, Ann Nguyen and Lee Wise – to be postponed pending volunteers

    3. Discussions with Delta Dental, Mary Kratz

  2. BPM+ Health Governance Update

  1. Tooling Workgroup Update, Mike Cesino

  2. Chair Election, mid-February 2021, Anna Orlova

2.55-3.00 Othe