2021-01-19 Academic and Professional Education (APE) Group Meeting notes

2021-01-19 Academic and Professional Education (APE) Group Meeting notes









Anna Orlova,



Ann Nguyen,



Linda Chan,



Tracie Berardi,



Nicole Miller,



Mike Cesino



Agenda and Minutes

Agenda Item

Agenda Item

January 19, 2021, 2-3.00pm ET Call – Agenda

2.00-2.05 Welcome and Introductions

2.05-2.20 2020 Activities Review

  1. BPM+ Educational Strategy Roadmap Version 1,

Anna Orlova & Tracie Berardi

  1. BPM+ Capstone Project Pilot with Duke University,

Anna Orlova

  1. BPM+ APE Presentation at AHIMA 2020: a-recording; b-next steps,

Lee Wise

2.20-2.40 2021 Activities Next Steps

  1. New Capstone Project: Tufts Univ. and American Association of Orthodontists (AAO)/American Dental Association (ADA) Standards Committee,

Anna Orlova

  1. Other

a.       APE Capstone Syllabus, Anna Orlova – pending completion of the 2nd capstone for components

b.       Next Use Cases: Fall, Trauma Sepsis Protocol, and Revenue Integrity, Ann Nguyen and Lee Wise – to be postponed pending volunteers

c.       Discussions with Delta Dental, Mary Kratz -were not discussed

d.       APE at BPM+ Health Meeting in March 2021 – possible ADA/AAO capstone presentation

2.40-2.50 BPM+ Health Governance Update, Anna Orlova & Tracie Berardi

  1. Tooling Workgroup

  2. Chair Election, mid-February 2021

2.50-3.00 Other

 01-19-21-BPM+APE Call: Action Items

  1. BPM+APE Strategy Charter Final and APE Website Review, BPM+ Capstone Project Pilot with Duke University Website Review

By 1/25 - Linda & Anna (and Lee) will meet to review APE Confluence site. Present APE materials at the next Work group calls.

  1. AHIMA presentation re-recording:

2.1   By 2/19 - Tracie will facilitate the recording.

2.2   Linda will coordinate the date and time of the recording.

2.3   Tracie will send Anna BPM+ PPT template

2.4   Anna will format the presentation in the BPM+ template

2.5   Presentation will be recorded as individual use case modules

2.6   We will use video and audio recording combination

2.7   Recording of the modules will be added to the APE website by project.

  1. New Capstone Plans

: Tufts Univ. and American Association of Orthodontists (AAO)/American Dental Association (ADA) Standards Committee, Anna Orlova

a. Timeline: January 25 – April 30, 2021

b. Project of AAO/ADA; AAO Project preceptors – Tony Magni and Carla Evans; student – Angela Reilly

c. Complementary with HL7 FHIR Dental Data Exchange Project. https://confluence.hl7.org/display/ATT/Dental+Summary+Exchange+Project


  1. Anna will invite APE members to the standing capstone call on

Fridays 9-10am ET and ADA/AAO Stds Committee standing call (bi-weekly) 11.15am-1.15pm ET

  1. Anna will report to APE group on the project progress

  2. To be further discussed with APE members possible presentation by Angela Reilly at BPM+ Meeting in March including inviting AAO/ADA committee members to co-author the presentation

  3. Consider recording of the capstone as another module for APE and ADA/AAO sharing