2021-02-16 Academic and Professional Education (APE) Group Meeting notes

2021-02-16 Academic and Professional Education (APE) Group Meeting notes









Anna Orlova,



Ann Nguyen,



Linda Chan,






Nicole Miller



Mike Cesino






Agenda and Minutes

Agenda Item

Agenda Item

For the New Capstone Project item, please see attached the Project Description developed by Ms. Angela Reilly, Tufts University Health Informatics and Analytics Program Candidate.

 February 16, 2021, 2-3.00pm ET Call – Agenda

2.00-2.05 Welcome and Introductions

2.05-2.20 February 2 Call Actions Review, Anna Orlova

2.20-2.40 2021 Activities

  1. New Capstone Project: Tufts Univ. and American Association of Orthodontists (AAO)/American Dental Association (ADA) Standards Committee, Anna Orlova and Angela Reilly

  2. BPM+ APE Presentation Recording Update, Anna Orlova

2.40-2.50 Other 2021 Activities

  1. Other

    1. APE Capstone Syllabus Videos, Anna Orlova – (Development of Business Case, Use Case & Stds Selection, etc.)

    2. Next Use Cases: Fall, Trauma Sepsis Protocol, and Revenue Integrity, Ann Nguyen and Lee Wise – to be postponed pending volunteers

    3. Discussions with Delta Dental, Mary Kratz

    4. APE at BPM+ Health Meeting in March 2021 – possible ADA/AAO capstone presentation

2.50-2.55 BPM+ Health Governance Update

  1. Tooling Workgroup Update, Mike Cesino

  2. Chair Election, mid-February 2021, Anna Orlova

2.55-3.00 Other